With the successful completion of new P25 CREST system, Colwood Councillor Gordie Logan, who had served the CREST organization for the past 19 years (12 years as Chair) announced to his Board colleagues that he would be stepping off the Board. Gordie was credited by his colleagues for his dedicated leadership and unwavering commitment to establishing a world-class public safety network for the Capital Region.
Colwood Councillor Dean Jantzen will represent the City of Colwood on the CREST Board going forward.
Message from Colwood Councillor, Gordie Logan, Chair CREST Board of Directors.
After proudly serving CREST for almost two decades, and with a ‘best in class’ public safety telecommunications network functioning optimally, this is the right time for me to step away and make room for new leadership and a new Director. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of participating in this journey. CREST’s collaborative business model that ensures each shareholder has an equitable voice in public safety decision-making has served the organization and those we serve – our user agencies and our citizens – extremely well. We have traveled a long and productive way together guided by this important understanding. I have truly enjoyed my time spent with my Board colleagues over these many years, and with the CREST team, a very talented group of dedicated professionals who are the foundation of CREST’s success.
With gratitude and best wishes for ongoing success,
Councillor Gordie Logan, City of Colwood Chair of the Board, CREST