The installation of an emergency communications mono-pole in Highrock Park is nearing completion. It is an integral part of an extensive regional technology upgrade to improve emergency response communications across the region, and will address gaps in first responder communications that currently exist in Esquimalt.

The mono-pole will be airlifted and placed the week of May 15, weather permitting. As a helicopter will be utilized to install the pole, the park will be closed the day of the lift, to ensure the safety of the public.

Signage notifying visitors of park closure will be posted on the day of installation, and personnel will be on site to close access for the few hours of the operation.

The Highrock Park mono-pole will improve emergency communications coverage and strengthen public safety for residents of Esquimalt as well as first responders. We are very grateful the cooperation and patience of the residents and park visitors throughout this essential project. CREST has made a $25,000 amenity contribution to the Township of Esquimalt for park improvements in Highrock Park.

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